Behaviour for Learning is, as it suggests, behaviour that allows for and encourages learning to take place. Good behaviour needs to be taught, modelled and rewarded. Poor or unacceptable behaviour needs to be sanctioned. At Frederick Gent School we believe behaviour for learning needs to be taught, reinforced and reviewed. Above all, positive relationships with students are the key to positive behaviour. Good behaviour is fundamental to success in the classroom; success for both students and teachers.
Frederick Gent School has very high expectations of its students in terms of their attitude, their work and their behaviour. The school Behaviour Policy is based on an insistence on high standards of behaviour at all times. It should encourage students to behave in a responsible manner both to themselves and others, showing consideration, courtesy and respect for other people at all times. It is the school’s duty to keep all students safe, happy and able to learn. High standards are set in the belief that a caring but challenging school ethos generates self-respect, independence and the highest levels of achievement.
Rewards and Sanctions
Good behaviour and discipline are essential if effective teaching and learning is to take place. It is important for good behaviour to be recognised and rewarded. If students or groups of students are praised when it is merited, then a positive climate is established in which students’ self-esteem is nurtured and misbehaviour becomes by comparison a markedly less attractive way of obtaining attention.
Students should understand that bad behaviour is unacceptable and will be punished. Sanctions are needed in order to avoid unacceptable behaviour and to protect the necessary authority of the teachers. Rewards and sanctions are fairly and consistently applied by staff at the school but it is recognised that the application of rewards and sanctions must have regard to the individual situation, the individual student and that the member of staff is expected to use their discretion.
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