Year 7
The Year 7 curriculum is designed to support students in their transition from KS2 to KS3. All subjects are taught in ability groups with some curriculum content differing between ability bands based on KS2 outcomes. As part of the core offer, all students are taught maths, English, science, physical education, music and have an additional lesson where the Accelerated Reader programme is delivered. In addition to this, most students will also study humanities (history, geography and religious studies), French or German, design and technology, computer science and art. A small number of students will study a project curriculum combining humanities, art, design and technology and computer science instead of learning these as separate subjects. In addition, these students also study additional English and maths lessons to support and develop their progress in literacy and numeracy.
Year 8
The Year 8 curriculum allows students to continue to experience a broad range of subjects in preparation for forthcoming GCSE subject preferences in Year 9. This is also taught in ability groups with some content also differing based on ability bands All students will study a core offer of maths, English, science, art, computing, design and technology, geography, history, religious studies, music and physical education with an additional session for Accelerated Reader programme. All students will also continue to study French or German, with the exception of those students who previously studied the project curriculum, who will use this time to continue to develop their literacy and numeracy skills instead.
Year 9
In Year 9 individual preference is taken into account, with students starting to study GCSE courses and equivalents in a wide range of subjects alongside the core curriculum of maths, English, science (for students choosing the triple science option, this time is used in addition to deliver the three sciences), humanities (history, geography and RS) physical education, computing and Accelerated Reader. All students study an additional 4 subjects which may include French/ German, history, geography, triple science (biology, chemistry and physics) dance, drama, computing, creative iMedia, physical education and sport, travel and tourism, food and nutrition, design and technology, art, photography and construction and the built environment.
Year 10-11
The curriculum for Year 10 and 11 continues to support students’ preparations for examinations and their post-16 progression pathways. Students study their preference subjects along with the core offer of maths, English, science (triple science students continue to use this time to study the three sciences) and physical education. Religious studies’ themes are delivered in tutor time and PSHE days.
PSHE Days, Citizenship and British Values
The school has fortnightly PSHE lessons alongside 3 dedicated PSHE Drop down days. The purpose of the PSHE sessions is for pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepared for life and work.
Complimentary to the PSHE Days, pupils have the explicit opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of core British values of democracy, the rule of the law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs alongside their spiritual, moral, social and cultural capital development in a weekly designated tutor time and assemblies.