Year 6 to Year 7 Applications 

Admissions to Frederick Gent School into year 7, up until the academic year starts, are managed by Derbyshire County Council. To apply for a place at Frederick Gent or for more information on Derbyshire County Council’s school admissions procedures – click here(opens in new tab)(opens in new tab).

The deadline for an on-time application for entry into Year 7 in September 2025 is 31st October 2024.

Applications for in-year places should be made directly to Frederick Gent School, click here to complete the application form. You will usually be advised in writing whether a place can be offered within ten school days of making your application and at the very latest within fifteen school days.

When an application for a place at this school is unsuccessful, families are able to appeal the decision by completing this Admissions Appeals Form, click here.

Secondary application and appeals timetable

National Closing date for on-time applications 31 October 2024
National Offer date for all Secondary Schools 3 March 2025
Closing Date for on-time appeals 31 March 2025

On-time appeals will be heard by


Late appeals will be heard at the same time as online appeals wherever possible or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.


18 June 2025


Last Date to submit any additional information in support of your appeal The independent Clerk will notify you of this date, which is usually 5 days before the date of your appeal hearing
Decisions will be communicated in writing from the independent clerk, within 5 working days of the date of your appeal



In-year appeals will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.


Please click here to see our Admission Policies.

Fredrick Gent School takes an active role in hosting the South Normanton and Pinxton Family of Schools where Headteachers of local primary and secondary schools work collegiately to improve the educational provision for young people in the community 

Due to these close links many local school children will have visited Frederick Gent School during their junior school years.  Taking part in activities such as PE days and Maths challenges mark the beginning of a smooth and nurturing transition programme. 

Throughout the year Frederick Gent School also holds community events which allows younger children to visit in a social capacity, such as the ‘Rock Picnic’ and the ‘Freddie Factor’ Show which helps them to familiarise themselves with the surrounding so when they take part in formal visits from their own schools they are less daunted by the experience. 

Year 5

In the summer term all Year 5 students of local feeder primary schools are visited by the Achievement Leader for Transition to take part in a more formal introduction to the school.  This can include question and answer sessions to start to allay any anxieties that students may have. The Achievement Leader will also visit the Year 5 Parents’ Evenings to introduce himself to families and open a route of communication for everyone so students and families can feel comfortable before any misapprehensions arise. At Frederick Gent School, we value good and open communication and start this process early to ensure that every student’s hopes, concerns and needs are met before they arrive in Year 7. Open Evening
All Year 5 and 6 students in the local area are invited to attend Frederick Gent School’s annual Open Evening which showcases the school’s outstanding facilities and allows both students and families to ask questions to current students, staff and the senior leadership team.  

Year 6

During Year 6 preparation for Transition begins in earnest with the Achievement Leader for Transition and the Achievement Leader Support Assistant visiting the primary schools early in the academic year.  They will visit every class in local feeder schools and start to get to know the students on a more personal level.  They will hold discussions with class teachers, Heads of Year 6 at the primary schools and Primary Headteachers so that a clear understanding of the students and year group dynamics can be achieved.  

Once secondary school places have been allocated by the local authority the Year 6 to Year 7 further visits will occur to ensure all information is thorough up to date including visits by the SENDCO who will liaise with appropriate staff for students with additional needs. Year 6 children bound for Frederick Gent School are welcomed personally in a letter at the beginning of Term 5.  Once SATs have been completed, curriculum areas from Frederick Gent School including English and Maths will work with primary schools to dovetail together the Key Stage2 and Key Stage 3 Curriculum in order to establish a smooth transition of academic achievement.  

Throughout this period, Frederick Gent School works closely with feeder primaries and the Derbyshire Education Business Partnership (DEBP) to provide further Transition support for those students that are becoming increasingly anxious. A programme is run over a number of weeks where Year 6 pupils will meet students from other feeder schools and Year 7 students from Frederick Gent School and have multiple visits to our school before further anxieties arise.  This has a track record of proven achievement in ensuring a smooth transition for these students. 

In Term 6 final preparations take place to ensure that information is now flowing freely and transition can be seamless.  This will include an exclusive private Facebook Transition group where students and families will be introduced to their prospective teachers and are able to discuss any worries or concerns they have about moving to secondary school. The page will also include activities and a virtual tour of the school. During this term there will be various different welcome evenings, some for SEND students, some for high ability students and a general welcome evening where families and students can meet tutors and discuss all issues transition related. This evening is exceptionally well attended and is reported to reassure families in the lead up to their son or daughter’s transition to secondary education. 

Frederick Gent School holds transition days in July.  On these days prospective students attend the school in the same way any current student would where they will meet their Achievement Leader again, tutor and some class teachers and experience a combination of enrichment activities and typical Year 7 classes.
Emphasis is placed on pastoral care, teambuilding and familiarising themselves with the school site. The majority of students have a fabulous time and want to extend the transition days! We look forward to welcoming all our new students in the coming years. 

Remember, if you have any concerns, issues or comments, or would like to have a personal tour please contact us and we will endeavour to meet and help in any way we can. 

Year 7 

We also want to reassure you that transition is not just a Year 6 thing!  The students will be given the upmost pastoral support from the Year 7 team during their early weeks and months at Frederick Gent School to ensure that a smooth and successful Transition is rounded off.  This is supported by a Year 7 Settling-in Evening in October so families can raise any issues and celebrate any early successes. 

We look forward to welcoming all our new students in the coming years. Remember, if you have any concerns, issues or comments, or would like to have a personal tour please contact us and we will endeavour to meet and help in any way we can. 

Frederick Gent School Catchment Area

We recently have had Transition Evenings. For information that was discussed at the evening please click the links below:

Transition Booklet 2022

Open Evening Presentation 2022

Moving Up Summer Activities