Welcome to Frederick Gent School

Welcome to Frederick Gent School, where our values of Ambitious, Brave and Caring underpin our community and drive our commitment to excellence. We offer our students high-quality experiences and tailored support both inside and outside the classroom, with a focus on enhancing their life choices. Our carefully designed, knowledge-rich curriculum emphasises the importance of literacy and cultural capital, and is delivered by a team of dedicated and skilled staff.

Beyond the classroom, we pride ourselves on being a supportive, inclusive and student-focused school, nurturing well-rounded individuals. We offer a wide range of extracurricular activities, trips, House competitions, careers guidance and a dynamic enrichment programme. Students also benefit from the expertise of our highly skilled inclusion and pastoral teams, ensuring they feel supported throughout their time with us.

We recognise that the transition from Year 6 to Year 7 can feel overwhelming for students and their families. That’s why we’ve developed a comprehensive Transition Programme to help every student feel welcome and confident as they settle into secondary school life.

Please take a moment to explore the information below to learn more about our Year 6 Transition Programme and what it means to be part of the Frederick Gent School family. If you’d like to experience the school in person, please book a tour by emailing office@frederickgent.ttct.co.uk – we’d love to show you our school.

Key Student and Family Information

Key Staff

Transition Days

Family Handbook

Ready to Learn

Getting Organised

What is the uniform and where do I buy it from?

Full details of the uniform policy can be found on page 28 of the family handbook:


Branded goods are available from:

Mitchell Sports
72 Mansfield Road
South Normanton
DE55 2ER

01773 510231

What equipment will my child need?

We highly recommend that students arrive prepared for school with these items:

  • an appropriate school bag that is clearly named
  • a lightweight PE bag that is clearly named
  • an optional refillable water bottle that is clearly named
  • a pencil case that is clearly named, containing: black pens, pencils, ruler, rubber, sharpener and a scientific calculator. The Casio fx-83GT CW calculator is recommended by our Maths faculty.

What are the school’s opening hours?

The gates open at 7.45 and we run a breakfast club within school. It is located in the restaurant where they serve items including croissants, fruit, porridge, cereals and sausage muffins.

Lessons finish at 2.55pm and after-school activities usually finish by 4.30pm

Can my child bring their mobile phone to school?

If a student needs to contact home, they are allowed to use the phone in student reception with the permission of a member of staff. A student does not, therefore, have any need for a mobile phone in the school. If you feel that your child needs one for the journey to and from school, the phone must be switched off and placed in their bag out of sight throughout the school day. Any mobile phones that are seen, heard or used during the day will be confiscated. It will be returned to the student following a correction.

Tutor Group

When will we be told our child’s tutor group?

Students and parents will be informed of the child’s tutor group and invited to an evening to meet their tutor via letter. This will be sent out towards the end of June 2024.

How will my child be allocated a tutor group?

Students are allocated tutor groups to ensure they are equal in size as well as to ensure a mixture of genders, ethnicities and abilities to represent our intake and values. Students are also mixed up to ensure primary school intake is spread out so that students have the opportunity to meet new friends from different schools. We do speak to primary schools to ensure any unhealthy combinations are avoided

What is the role of a tutor?

Tutor time is an invaluable part of the day for all students, accounting for 30 minutes of the school day. As a result, the role of the form tutor is central to not only caring for the students, but also monitoring their progress both academically and socially.

Tutors are active in looking after the interests of the whole child and support pupils by:

  • Promoting positive relationships
  • Encouraging high standards
  • Monitoring progress and wellbeing
  • Delivering a high quality tutor programme and PSHE lessons


How much money will my child need for lunch?

The standard meal deal price and the free school meal allowance is £2.80. More information about the food options are available here.

How do I top up the money on my child’s account?

Food and drink at Frederick Gent is purchased using ParentPay. You will receive a letter in September to link up to ParentPay. Cash payments are no longer accepted by our catering partners.


How do you support worry about starting secondary school?

Being nervous about starting secondary school is normal; after all it’s the first big change many students will have experienced. Please reassure your child that this move is an exciting, positive, new chapter in their lives and that we are all looking forward to welcoming them to Frederick Gent. However, if you are concerned about your child’s anxiety, please contact school and we will do all we can to help.

Who can my child speak to if they are worried?

If your child has any worries or concerns, they should speak to either the Head of Year 7 or their Tutor, who they will have contact with each day.

Who do I contact about my child’s medical information?

We would ask that any relevant medical information about your child is passed to us directly by speaking in the first instance to the office.