Curriculum Intent Summary

Our intention when planning and delivering the science curriculum at Frederick Gent School is to foster and develop our pupils’ curiosity in the subject, whilst also helping them to fulfil their potential.  Throughout the programmes of study, we aim to prepare our pupils for life in an increasingly scientific and technological world. 




Term 1 

Term 2 

Term 3 

Term 4 

Term 5 

Term 6 

7   Forces (contact forces and gravity)  


Organisms (cells and movement) 


Matter (particle models and elements) 


Waves (sound and wave effects) 


Waves (light and electromagnetic spectrum) 


Genes (Human Reproduction) 


Reactions (Types of Reaction and Chemical Energy) 


 Earth (Universe) 


Ecosystems (Interdependence and plant reproduction) 


Reactions (Acids and Alkalis) 




Skills: To use the formula  

Weight (N) = mass(Kg) x gravitational field strength(N/Kg) 

To explain why multicellular – organisms need organ systems to keep their cells alive 

To explain how antagonistic muscles produce movement around a joint. 

To describe the properties of solids, liquids and gases. 

To represent atoms, molecules and compounds using the particle diagram. 




Skills: To identify the wave diagram and its component parts 

To construct ray diagrams to show how light reflects 

To identify the uses of different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum 

To explain whether characteristics are inherited, environmental or both. 

To show the main stages in the development of a foetus 

To use experimental observations to distinguish between exothermic and endothermic reactions 

Skills Explain why different places on Earth experience different lengths of daylight and the amounts of sunlight during the year. 

Describe how a species population changes as its predator/prey population changes 

Identify parts of a flower and link their structure to their function 

To identify the best indicator to distinguish between solutions of different pH. 

8  Forces (speed)  


Electromagnets (current and potential difference) 


Organisms (breathing and digestion) 


Matter (periodic table and separation techniques) 



Energy (energy costs, energy transfers, work, heating and cooling 


Genes (Variation and inheritance)  


Ecosystems (Respiration)  


Reactions (Metals and Non-metals 





Forces (Pressure)  


Electromagnets (Magnetism and Electromagnets) –  


Genes (Evolution)  


Ecosystems (Photosynthesis) 


Earth (Earth’s Structure)  



Skills: To use the formulas 

Speed = distance(m)/ time(s) or distance time graphs to calculate speed 

Resistance(Ω) = Potential difference(V) / Current(A) 

Explain how exercise, smoking and asthma affect the gas exchange system 

Describe the possible health effects from an unbalanced diet 

To show patterns in the periodic table 

To use different separation techniques to separate mixtures depending on their properties 




To calculate the cost of home energy usage. 

To use food labels to calculate the amount of energy a person needs. 

To show how energy is transferred between different energy stores  

To use the formula  

Work done(J) = force(N) x  distance (m) 

To identify how an objects temperature changes with heating and cooling 

To explain the specific activities involved in aerobic and anaerobic respiration 

To describe oxidation, displacement and metal – acid reactions using word diagrams. 

Skills  to use the formula 

Pressure = force/ area 

To describe the process of photosynthesis and the factors that affect it 

To use evidence to explain why a species has become extinct or adapted to changing conditions 

To show a relationship between DNA, chromosomes and genes. 

To explain why a rock has a particular property based on how it was formed 

9  B1 – Cell biology 


C1 – Atomic structure and the periodic table 


P1 Energy 

B2 – Organisation 


C2 – Structure and Bonding 


P2  – Electricity 


B2 – Organisation 


C2 – Structure and Bonding 


P2  – Electricity 



B1 – Microscopy and cells, development of microscopy techniques, Differences between animal and plant cells and describe the function of cell organelles. Transport of material into and out of a cell by diffusion, osmosis and active transport. Cell division by mitosis. Uses of stem cells and the advantages and disadvantages of their use. 

C1 – Develop the understanding that atoms are fundamental chemical building blocks. Interpret chemical formulae. Law of conservation of mass, balancing equations. Differences between compounds and mixtures and different separation techniques. Development of the atomic model, draw electronic structures of the first 20 elements. Development of the periodic table. Identify the patterns in the periodic table, group 1, 7, 0 and the transition elements. 

P1 – Understanding of energy and energy transfers, development of an energy stores, conservation of energy through changes in the gravitational, kinetic and elastic stores. Dissipation of energy. Efficiency applied to electrical devices. Rate of energy transfer. Power and power ratings. Energy transfers in heating, cooling, absorption and emission. Specific heat capacity of an object. Reducing  energy transfers in the home. How electricity is generated from renewable and non-renewable energy resources and the environmental impacts. 





B2 – Principles of organisation, differentiation and differentiation of specialised cells. Study of the digestion system, Chemical digestion and the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Use of enzymes and their action 

C2 – states of matter, covalent, ionic and metallic bonding. Structure of simple and giant molecules. Allotropes of carbon. 

P2 – Concept of an electric field surrounding charged objects causing attraction or repulsion between them. Electrical circuits – parallel and series. Calculation of resistance in a wire. Circuit components and their uses. Current and potential difference in a series and parallel circuit. 


B2 – Organisation of plants and animals. Recognise the components of blood, describe their functions. Identify the 3 types of blood vessels and the importance of a double circulatory system. Structure and function of the heart. Breathing and gas exchange in the lungs. Identify the different plant tissues and their functions. Transpiration in plants. 

C2 – Nanoparticles, their properties and to explain how the surface area to volume ratio of nanoparticles is different to bulk materials and how this affects their use. 

P2 – Comparison of AC and DC. Description of UK mains supply. Relationship between power and the resistance of components. Efficiency of appliances and the system of energy efficiency ratings 

10  B3 – Infection and Response 


C3  – Quantitative chemistry 


P3  – Molecules and matter 


B4 – Bioenergetics 


C4 – Chemical Changes 


P4 – Atomic structure (Radioactivity) 

B5 – Homeostasis and response 


C5 – Energy changes 

C6  – Rates of reaction 


P5 Forces 


B3 – How the concept of health is affected by communicable and non-communicable diseases. Identify the role of pathogens (bacteria, viruses and protists) in the spreading of diseases. Development of methods to control infection. The function of the immune system. Treatment of disease using painkillers and antibiotics. Development of vaccines’. Clinical trials. Risk factors for a disease. Study of different types of cancer. Environmental impacts on health – smoking, alcohol and ionising radiation. 

C3 Calcualti0on of relative formula mass. Molar calculations and the significance of Avogadro’s constant. Use of moles to balance equations. Calculation of percentage yield and the atom economy of a reaction. Calculations of concentration. Use of titrations to calculate concentration of an unknown. 

P3 – Density of an object. States of matter and kinetic theory. Concept of the internal energy of a substance. Calculation of the latent heat of fusion and vaporisation. Relationship between pressure and temperature of a fixed volume of gas. Boyle’s law – relationship between gas pressure and volume. 

B4 – Study of photosynthesis and the factors that affect it. Description of the limiting factors in a photosynthesis reaction. How glucose is used in respiration. Use of plant minerals to promote healthy growth. Use of mitochondria in respiration. Study of aerobic and anaerobic respiration.  

C4 – Development of understanding of the reactivity series. Displacement reactions. Production of salts from metals and acids, acids and bases and acids and carbonates. pH scale and hydrogen ion concentration. Differences between strong and weak acids. 

P4 – Description of how the nucleus of an atom was discovered by radiation emitted during nuclear decay. Development of the model of the atom from the plum pudding model to Bohr’s model. Alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Half-life of a radioactive element. Nuclear radiation in medicine. Nuclear issues 

B5 – Homeostasis. The nervous system, structure and function. The working of a reflex arc. Controlling body temperature, blood glucose concentrations and the levels of water in the body. 

The role of the pituitary gland in homeostasis. Hormones in human reproduction, use of contraception drugs on fertility. The effect of light on the growth of plants. 

C5 – Electrolysis and the extraction of aluminium. Exothermic and endothermic reactions. Energy transfers in a chemical reaction. Energy transfer diagrams. Chemical cells and batteries. Fuel cells 

C6 – Factors that affect the rate of a reaction including temperature, surface area, concentration, pressure and the use of a catalyst. Describing the rate of a reaction using the collision theory. Reversible reactions. Use of Le Chatalier’s principle to explain the effect of temperature and pressure on the position of equilibrium. 

P5 – Comparison of scalars and vectors. Balanced and unbalanced forces and the application of Newton third law. Use of free body diagrams to show the forces acting on it. Determination of the centre of mass of an object. Application of levers and gears in increasing force. Use of parallelogram of forces to determine magnitude of a resultant force. 


11  B5 – Homeostasis and response 

B6 – Inheritance, variation and evolution 


C6 – Rates of reaction 

C7 – Organic Chemistry 

C8  – Chemical analysis 


P5 – Force 

P6 – Waves 

B6 – Inheritance, variation and evolution 

B7 Ecology 


C9 – Chemistry of the atmosphere 

C10 – Using resources 


P7 – Magnets and electromagnets 

P8 – Space (triple science only) 

Revision and exam preparation 
B5 – Removal of waste products from the body. The role and function of the kidneys. Treatment of kidney failure and the role of dialysis. 

B6 – Evolution by natural selection. Selective breeding. Genetic engineering. Cloning. Ethics of genetic technologies 

C6 – Factors that affect the rate of a reaction 

C7 – Hydrocarbons. Fractional distillation of crude oil. Properties of hydrocarbons and the reactions of hydrocarbons. Structures of alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters. Reactions and uses of alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters. Addition and condensation polymerisation. Natural polymers and DNA. 

C8 – Pure substances and mixtures. Analysing chromatograms. Testing for gases. Tests for positive and negative ions. The use of instruments in analysis. 

P5 – Pressure and surfaces. Pressure in liquids. Atmospheric pressure. Up thrust and flotation. 

P6 – The nature and properties of waves. Reflection and refraction. Sound waves and the use of ultrasound. The electromagnetic spectrum. Light, infrared and radio waves. Use of the EM spectrum in communication .UV, X ray and gamma rays. X- rays in medicine. Reflection and refraction of light. Light and colour. The use of lenses 

B6 – The history of genetics. Theories of evolution. Darwin’s theory of evolution. Evidence for evolution. Fossils and extinction. Antibiotic resistant bacteria. Classification. 

B7 – The importance of communities. Distribution and abundance of organisms in their environment. Competition in plants and animals. Adaptation of plants and animals. Recycling. The carbon cycle. The human population explosion. Pollution. Global warming. Maintaining biodiversity. Food production. 

C9 – History of the atmosphere. Our evolving atmosphere. Greenhouse gases. Global climate change. Atmospheric pollutants. 

C10 – Finite and renewable and renewable resources. Safe water to drink. Treating waste water. Extracting metals from ores. Life cycle assessments. Recycling, reusing and reducing waste. Rusting. Useful alloys. Properties of polymers, glass ceramics and composites. Making ammonia – the Haber process. Making fertilisers. 

P7 – Magnetic fields and the magnetic fields of electric currents. Electromagnets in a device and the use of electromagnets. The motor effect. The generator effect. Transformers in action. 

P8 – (physics only) The formation of the solar system. The life history of a star. Planets, satellites and orbits. The expanding universe. The beginning and the future of the universe 

Use of exam questions and past papers to prepare the students for the final exams. Review of required practical’s and relating them to exam questions.